Friday, April 11, 2008

Save the Family Foundation - Community Service Project

EventPro Strategies firmly believes in giving back to the community. In December 2007 EPS partnered with Save the Family Foundation for a service project in Tempe, Arizona. Save the Family is a family crisis center that was founded in 1988 in response to the need for homeless families with children to transition to self-sufficiency. Through the community, Save the Family has over 80 homes where families can move from the streets and learn to live self sufficient lives. The program has always demanded strict accountability coupled with supportive programs to give homeless families the skills to break the negative patterns of behavior that lead to their homelessness. This program is mean to be a way to help out, it isn’t simply a handout. Each family is responsible to show effort and work towards self sufficiency!

EPS volunteered one December morning in order to help the next family get off the street and into a home. EPS assisted with two Save the Family housing units in order to prepare for the next family to live in and start over. The EPS team did a variety of things like painting, deep cleaning, windows, taking out trash etc.
EventPro plans to continue giving back to the community. The next project is planned for mid 2008.

More photos from EPS community service projects can be seen here.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

TV Station KTEH - Community service project

In December 2007 the San Jose EPS office partnered with KTEH public TV station for a night of service in San Jose, CA. KTEH Public Television 54 (Comcast 10) was founded in 1964, broadcasting from San Jose in Silicon Valley. As one of more than 300 member stations of the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), KTEH serves its viewers with the best programming available from PBS, APT and other national distributors. Service to its community is at the heart of KTEH's mission. The station's outreach campaigns combine educational programs, productions, and activities to address community concerns. KTEH partners with community groups with a similar mission to KTEH's to create outreach campaigns, which address school readiness for young children, parenting issues, environmental awareness, drug and alcohol abuse, reading, and much more.

an Jose employee, Eva Polk-Rego, helped raise money for KTEH through a pledge drive on December 4th, 2007. Money raised by pledge is used to fund original programming as well as pay for nationally produced programs. A pledge drive consists of four hours of answering phones and documenting money pledges. The station aired shows on California Trains and Barry Manilow. During the intermission callers were able to call into the pledge lines and give a pledge. Pledges started at $50 and went to $500 with various gifts depending on the show showing at the time that the caller made their pledge. On the night of December 4th, 2007 the San Jose EPS office helped bring in over $16,000 worth of pledges…great job Eva!!

More photos from EPS community service projects can be seen here.

Manna FoodBank - Community Service Project

In December 2007 EPS partnered with Manna FoodBank and Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity for a day of service in Asheville, NC. Manna FoodBank, founded in 1982, is a private, non-profit service organization in the work of ending hunger in Western North Carolina. Manna provides hungry men, women, and children in Western NC with over 13,000 meals per day, 365 days a year. During the morning of December 3rd, 2007 EPS employees volunteered at Manna FoodBank all morning packing boxes full of dry, non-perishable food items for their agencies to distribute food across WNC. We worked tirelessly for almost 3 hours and managed to feed hundreds of families with our efforts alone.

Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity, founded in 1983, is dedicated to changing the lives of families living in inadequate housing by building simple, decent houses for families in need. In order to fund this effort, the Asheville Habitat has operated a retail store since 1990 where they sell donated items to the general public. In the afternoon of December 3rd, EPS employees volunteered their time and energy to help organize and clean out the Christmas section of the storage room at the home store. We spent hours putting together Christmas trees, sorting trinkets, ornaments, and gifts to be placed on sale to the general public. Normally, there is one volunteer who is in charge of the overwhelming job of Christmas inventory, but EPS stepped up to the plate and took care of this normally daunting task!

More photos from EPS community service projects can be seen here.