Monday, June 2, 2008

Event Staffers Speak Out

Excerpts from blog

"I wanted to stop in and drop my two cents. As an account director for a smaller staffing agency...I have to say EPS is one of those companies that we hear nothing but good and positive things about. They set the bar in the industry and have always maintained a level of excellence and integrity.

I don't have any personal experiences working with them but I know a lot of staff who do and have nothing but good things to say. I see many resumes with EPS after EPS gigs and have to assume these people accept jobs because they have a good solid relationship.

It's a tough industry and keeping track of hundreds/thousands of Independent Contractors can be a challenge. Especially when you are growing so fast and maintaining clients (who may or may not pay you on time.)

I don't think anyone should have to care about their post but it certainly shows a company who truly cares about their reputation and their staff. In my opionion this is commendable. It's easy to be one of those horrible agencies who doesn't return phone calls and hides while waiting for clients to pay (we are not one of them)..."


"It seems like we are at a point in this industry where we have several large players when it comes to staffing talent. For the most part these companies are all fantastic and above board. Where we run into problems are with these promo people who think, I know people... I can provide staff... How hard can it be? I can put ads on event speak, craigslist or whatever... Let's face it, just about anyone on this board could staff an event. I could get 20 people to you in any city you like with a little notice. It seems to me that is what drives these new comers. They get caught up in, "Can I provide the service?" not, "Can I complete the job at a profit and in a timely manner?" When I read your comment, "Keeping track of hundreds/thousands of independent contractors can be a challenge." I thought... Isn't that the business they are in? I mean you can't keep track of hundreds / thousands of contractors when you need them to work an event and then say it's a challenge to keep track of those same contractors when it's time to pay them?

I just went off on this rant because I want people to think about the big picture when they are doing something. Don't ask yourself if you can provide staff. Ask yourself if you can provide staff, pay them, keep track of them etc. Because ultimately getting 5 people to stand under my 10 by 10 pop up tent isn't the job. It's only about 20% of what an agency has to do. Planning your strategy, marketing your services, paying bills, reporting income and paying staff take just as many man hours as finding my 5 samplers in El Paso, TX. (Don't ask me why I said El Paso).

Disclaimer: The following remarks do no pertain to EPS or any specific agency. They are just general thoughts.

Benjamin Beksel