Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Guerrilla: Harley Riders Hit The Street To Promote New FX Show

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
EM Buzz/Event Marketing Magazine

To get viewers revved up about the Sept. 3 premiere of its new original series “Sons of Anarchy,” the FX Network had 50 Harley-Davidson riders hit the streets of Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Los Angeles and New York City all wearing t-shirts branded with the show’s information.

“Getting people talking about it was our goal and I think we succeeded with that,” Kenya Hardaway, director integrated promotions at FX Network, told Buzz. “We wanted that watercooler buzz right before the day comes to an end and people determine what they’re going to tune in to that night.”

The bikers hit the streets in highly trafficked areas like Times Square in NYC and Rodeo Drive in L.A. during the lunch hour crowds for greater visibility in the busy cities.
In Manhattan the bikers covered 21 miles of road and 25 miles in L.A., which because of high vehicle and foot traffic took more than two hours to conclude. The stop and go traffic of the cities allowed passersby to get a good look at the bikers.

Adding to the authenticity of the show, all 50 bikers in the stunt were actual Harley owners that were recommended by bike dealerships, clubs and other relevant sources. Agency: Civic Entertainment Group, New York City. Staffing: EventPro Strategies, Phoenix, AZ

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